Unisciti alla nostra community - Beyond marketing
Unisciti alla nostra community - Beyond marketing

Zero Pixel for Studio Legale Zambonin

Il Tuo Legale – 20 Years of evolving services, from physical to digital
Estabilished by Lawyer Francesca Zambonin in 2003, Studio Legale Zambonin brings together a team of professionals specializing in civil, criminal and labor law. By analyzing clients’ specific needs, the firm offers tailored solutions, and both established and innovative projects. Innovation is an important driver for the firm, which has always embraced technologies as a useful tool for making activities more efficient. From online consultancy before it was common to consultancy in VR and in the metaverse.
The disruptive approach is one of the winning elements of the project, reshaping how the profession is perceived.
Transformation is embedded in Studio Legale Zambonin’s culture, which has been tracking its activities for over ten years with a corporate identity outlined in the company profile, a system of shared KPIs, and monitoring of key metrics, including those from digital channels.
Main sites: Zambonin Law Firm | Your Lawyer | Animal Lawyer | Tourism Law
Strategic and operational marketing support.
From corporate identity to the creation of budgets, KPIs and BDPs. Creation of 5 currently active websites and several ongoing projects. Monitoring and development of all necessary operational marketing activities. Web management, SEO, social media and content marketing.
Client: Studio Legale Zambonin
Provided services: