Unisciti alla nostra community - Beyond marketing
Unisciti alla nostra community - Beyond marketing

Zero Pixel for Dott.ssa Erika Crozzoletto

Zero Pixel for Dott.ssa Erika Crozzoletto
Dr. Erika Crozzoletto is a Pedagogist specialized in Clinical Pedagogy® and Family Mediation with interventions and educational paths aimed at children, adolescents, adults, families and the elderly with particular attention to deaf and blind children knowing Lis (Italian Sign Language ) and the Braille code.
Zero Pixel, for Dr. Erika Crozzoletto, created a new website with modern graphics, 100% responsive and SEO friendly with particular attention to the texts and editing of the photos provided by the client to best represent her work.
Really fantastic! They took care of the details and graphics impeccably, I highly recommend them!
Erika Crozzoletto
Visita website: www.erikacrozzoletto.com