Unisciti alla nostra community - Beyond marketing
Unisciti alla nostra community - Beyond marketing

Zero Pixel for Cantine Rossella

Cantine Rossella was established in the early 1900s in Santa Maria della Versa by Simone Rossella, a passionate connoisseur of fine wines who selected a region with high viticultural potential.
Today, Paolo and Roberto, the two sons carry on the family business, with the same care and attention to quality as their father, respecting the origins and the territory while introducing innovative tools into the production process.
Website: https://www.cantinerossella.it/
Strategic and operational marketing support.
From the initial analysis to the definition of the corporate identity.
For years, we have supported the client in developing operational elements:: e-commerce creation, social media, online ad campaigns, gadgets, graphics, videos, miscellaneous.
Customer: Cantine Rossella
Provided services: